| +31 174 254 360 | Maasdijk | The Netherlands
Yellow Canary
Yellow Canary M-3036
Plant vigour: Good coverage
Plant uniformity: Good
Fruit rind colour: Yellow
Fruit rind: Smooth
Fruits per plant: 3
Fruit shape: Oval
Flesh colour: White-Green
Maturity: Normal
Weight: Average of 4 kg per fruit
Cavity: Close
Diseases: Tolerant to downey mildew
Virus: Resistant to fusarium 0-1 & 2
Yellow Canary M-3037
Plant vigour: Moderately
Plant uniformity: Good
Fruit rind colour: Yellow
Fruit rind: Wrinkled
Fruits per plant: 2
Fruit shape: Round
Flesh colour: White
Maturity: Normal
Weight: 2,5-3 kg per fruit
Cavity: Close
Diseases: Tolerant to downey mildew
Virus: Resistant to fusarium 0-1 & 2
Yellow Canary M-3039
Plant vigour: Good coverage
Plant uniformity: Good
Fruit rind colour: Shiny yellow
Fruit rind: Smooth
Fruits per plant: 2
Fruit shape: Oval
Flesh colour: Creamy
Maturity: Normal
Weight: Average of 5,5 kg per fruit
Cavity: Close
Diseases: Tolerant to downey mildew
Virus: Resistant to fusarium 0-1 & 2