
Kirkagac M-3192

Plant Vigour: Strong
Plant Uniformity: Good
Fruit Rind Colour: Yellow with black spots

Fruit Rind: Wrinkled
Fruits per plant: 3-4
Fruit Shape: Long Oval
Flesh Colour: White

Maturity: Early
Brix: 14%
Cavity: Close

Diseases: Tolerant to Powdery Mildew

Virus: -

Kirkagac M-3193

Plant Vigour: Strong
Plant Uniformity: Good
Fruit Rind Colour: Yellow with black spots

Fruit Rind: Wrinkled
Fruits per plant: 3-4
Fruit Shape: Long Oval
Flesh Colour: White

Maturity: Medium Early
Brix: 13%
Cavity: Close

Diseases: Tolerant to Powdery Mildew

Virus: -